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Recent Product Updates
EME Version
- official release of Version 3 with Sinirji 911 integration
EME Version
- added notification when multiple users are changing address on same event
EME Version
- added response requirement relaxation option
EME Version
- added option to combine related bell 911 calls into one call and display position history/updates list
EME Version
- added ability for external systems to trigger responder alert notification
- added ability to create audible alerts for any type of cad event
EME Version
- updated external interface system wide notification acknowledgement
- updated alarm monitoring interface to better handle required serial port resets
EME Version
- added logging of event notification sounds
- added logging of HorizonServer memory usages
EME Version
- added hydrant open/close logging
- added option to prevent certain event types from triggering runsheets being sent
EME Version
- updated user system access logging
- updated event time editing capability
EME Version
- added event note monitor with urgent/important message alert capability
EM Mobile - Build 92
- added option to autodisplay nearby hydrants for selected event
EME Version
- added ability to chain command line commands together
EME Version
- added ability to create custom external notification sounds based on source, type and agency
EME Version
- added reset address command line option
- added Fast Alerting station alerting system interface
- updated calltrack icon handling to handle case of 'copied to' events
EME Version
- added option to selectively add notes to the html or compact text runsheets
- added option to set default geomarker delete time
EME Version
- added copy all waypoints from one route to another option in schedule adherence manager
EME Version
- added integration
EM Mobile - Build 86
- added option to reverse sort event notes
- added option to add premise files based on address to the Programs button
EME Version
- added EMCenter performance profiling
- added scratchpad feature for logged in users
EME Version
- added integration with smartphone app
- added integration with Tallysman WCP GPS system
- added encrypted email alert option
- added RMS report completion option
EME Version
- added option to prevent operator deletion of selected geomarker types
- updated create event from geomarker to rank the most likely agencies - based on geolocation - first in the list
EME Version
- added option to automatically added call location geomarker position reminders for calls created with position info (like cell/mobile calls)
EME Version
- added option for single operator new event notification system-wide ack
EME Version
- added bulletin board message sort options
EM Mobile - Build 83
- Added current response group listing to all unit displays
- added direct link from twitter feed to call on emlive
EME Version
- Added more query window configuration display options
- Added more runsheet configuration display options
- added rms occupancy information integration
EM Mobile - Build 81
- Added site note integration
EM Mobile - Build 80
- Fixed refresh issue in assigned units display update
- increased size of RMS info dialog
- added RMS data expand window
EME Version
- Update Fatpot interface
- Add option to filter compact text prealerts by response zone
EM Mobile - Build 79
- Added ability to centrally manage EMMobile registry settings
- Added auto update capability
- Launched mobile device version
EME Version
- Update NetSync user management
- Added direct EMLive event link to text alerts
- Added ability to centrally manage EMMobile registry settings
EME Version
- Added option to bypass a response group for recommendations if a maximum number of units have already been assigned from that response group
- Added option to show in command unit in event listing window
EME Version
- Updated system so premise files for default address will show for unit if there are no specific unit files
EM Mobile - Build 78
- Added option to configure network activity timeout
- added field labels to items
- 4 departments added (Niagara Falls Canada, Westerly Dispatch, Peabody MA Dispatch, Tillsonburg ON Dispatch)
EM Mobile - Build 77
- Fixed excessive map redraw on unit track to event
EME Version
- Added EMLive integration
- Added automatic twitter integration
EM Mobile - Build 76
- Added email notification event logging
EM Mobile - Build 75
- Added approximate distance to event display
EME Version
- Added unit aged icon option based on last gps position time
- Updated event info window selection on new event creation
- Added force change user on startup option
- Added option to print run sheet on any level change
- Fixed response zone copy problem - time settings were not copied over
- Updated EMMobile server to be able to bind to specific IP to support certain fail-over systems
- Added sound to station alert mode on new calls
- Added option to to display number of unread event notes and alert if new ones arrive.
EM Mobile - Build 72
- Added option to define default start tab view
EM Mobile - Build 71
- Added option to program F keys
EME Version
- Added option to auto recommend after selective call type change
- Added option to auto prompt for sending email after selective call type change
- Added option to export results from query window to a comma delimited file
- Added option to indicate event level change in email notification subject
EME Version
- Added station monitor configuration option
- Added ability to sync live call details with webpage
EME Version
- Added option to include RMS info on runsheets
EME Version
- Added option to highlight and select first item in RMS info list
EME Version
- Added option to set default times for adding a time restriction to a response requirement by day of week
EM Mobile - Build 61
- Added map only active events option
- Added option to color code 911 generated event notes
EME Version
- Added system tracking of geomarker changes by user
- Updated radio interface to allow operators to keep the panel visible at all times and choose their own positioning
- Added option to load response zone coordinates selectively
EME Version
- Added option to assign levels alias names
- Added filter to runsheets page
- Added option to print call on compact text runsheet
- Added 'Check All' and 'Uncheck All' option to operator email screen
- Update Zone from GeoFence option to handle coordinate conversion if required
EM Mobile - Build 59
- Added option display nearby geomarker data in a different color
EME Version
- Added integrated Google Maps (C) Option
- Added option to play sound when site info tab is flashing red.
EME Version
- Added interface Wallace Wireless wctp notification system
EME Version
- Added interface Motorola Centracom Gold Elite Radio System
- Added logging of operator emails during events
EME Version
- Added interface to EMSCharts RMS system
- Added interface to Ontario Ambulance system
- Added option to auto-change geomarker type at specified future time
EME Version
- Added option to have client (non-GIS) added premise name data be the default premise name when searching for an address.
EME Version
- Added times to event notes in operator event email
- Added option to set Firehouse county in direct export
- Added option to allow response zone updates to be done in bulk
EME Version
- Added option to add event note by system if an invalid address is picked but there is a valid address in another city with the same street address
- Added option to allow operators to reset GPS info to all 0s
- Added response zone to event list details
EME Version
- Added option to add nearby geomarker information into event notes automatically
- Added option to view pictometry at geomarker locations
EME Version
- Added option to create Firehouse fuel inventory records from the CAD units list
- Added option to create Firehouse daily journal entries from geomarkers
EME Version
- Updated system to ensure any map item selected with the 'toggle info' option is visible on the map
EME Version
- Added option to allow expanding and collapsing of agency unit groups
EME Version
- Added option to always display event address in map icon rather than event number
- Added option to change email sender address for selected compact text runsheets
EME Version
- Added option to display position tracking in decimal degrees or degrees, minutes, seconds
EME Version
- Updated system to allow shunted alarm monitoring zones to be added and released automatically at a specified time
- Updated system to track crew that are assigned to a unit after a unit is assigned - so they will be exported to rms interfaces
EME Version
- Updated system to automatically display premise name and address in selected geomarker additions
- Updated certain mapping systems to support panning with arrow keys
EME Version
- Updated system to allow display of custom data fields in event listing window
EME Version
- Added option to set text flash off color
- Added option to set custom fields as required
EM Mobile - Build 53
- Added option to override map full extent settings
EME Version
- Added option to automatically include event notes and unit times in operator generated emails
- Added auto-display option for new 911 calls
EME Version
- Added options to expand flexibility in automatic agency assignment for 911 call creation based on geographic call location
EME Version
- Added unit status auto advance option
- Added option for operator to toggle on or off mobile message pop-up windows
EME Version
- Added option to edit geofence colors along with other geomarker settings
- Added option to allow users to add a geomarker at the result point of an x/y search
- Added status sort options - alphabetical or in the same order as in the configuration system
- Updated RMS interface to have more flexibility when dealing with RMS street name conventions
- Updated op procedure system match algorithm
- Added RI 911 interface support
EM Mobile - Build 50
- Added extended notes display option Click here for details.
- Added color to highlight active map option Click here for details.
EME Version
- Added option to configure ops procedures for specific levels.
EME Version
- Added option to send text runsheet on level change.
EME Version
- Added option to automatically set the manning on a unit to 0 on deassignment from a call on a per agency basis.
EM Mobile - Build 48
- Updated display screen to show units current name and responding group assignment
EM Mobile - Build 47
- Added option to allow EMMobile to assume more than one unit identity
EME Version
- Added option to display timer progress bars
- Updated Firehouse 'during call' exporting system to support more features and options
- Added option to set time display format
- Added option to support fractional degrees, minutes (GPS) format in map X/Y search.
EM Mobile - Build 46
- Added option to allow activation or deactivation of the extended map options
EME Version
- Added enhanced option for drawing map polygon borders
EM Mobile - Build 45
- Added option to allow different configurations to be set up to connect to different server groups on the same laptop
EME Version
- Added simplified site specific response management system
EME Version
- Added option to automatically add event actions to notes
- Optimized various display routines for improved performance in high call-volume/large resource management sites
- Added copy to clipboard option to event note listing
- Added paste from clipboard option to event note entry field
EM Mobile - Build 41
- Added sound notification option for incoming calls
EME Version
- Updated various GDI routines
- Update Firehouse export to include type in narrative
- Added option to re-order premise search to list premises with names first in list
EM Mobile - Build 37
- Added improved inter-agency dispatching capabilities
EME Version
- Added additional EMMobile status monitoring
- Added option to quickly create circular geofences
EME Version
- Added expand/collapse all option to map hydrant listing
- Added option to allow user to create response zone from an existing geofence Click here for details.
- Added option to edit the bitmap type for all geomarkers simultaneously in a specific category
EM Mobile - Build 36
- Added geofence display of items created on the EME CAD workstations
EME Version
- Added option to allow user to assign custom drawn geofences to geomarkers Click here for details.
- Altered distance tracking to display continuously at the bottom in the map status bar rather than at then end in a message box
EM Mobile - Build 35
- Added option to toggle display of geomarker descriptions Click here for details.
EME Version
- Added option of one dispatcher being able to take control of a call from another dispatcher
- Added enhanced logging to track execution time of all server requests
- Added call-taker/dispatcher collaborative notification enhancements
- Updated Firehouse export to set vehicle type from event type
EME Version
- Added option to automatically create an event at the position of a geomarker
- Added option to include assigned units on compact email runsheet
EME Version
- Added Firehouse native import capability
- Added map geomarker template option
EME Version
- Corrected issue with automatic email construction
EM Mobile - Build 34
- Added option to display time in online status window
EME Version
- Added time to query print header
- Added more control over query print header positions
EME Version
- Corrected issue with RMS export from multi-agency response events
- Added option to clear unit geomarker links at specified unit status changes
- Added option to add custom data fields to event notes automatically
- Added ability to print one runsheet per unit dispatched in a dispatch event
EM Mobile - Build 32
- Added option to log received serial port input
EME Version
- Added ability to filter incoming 911 packets by community.
- Added option to generate single incident number sequence for multiple agency systems
EME Version
- Added option to have unit geomarker assignment dialog automatically display when unit status is changed to a status configured by the client to activate this action.
- Added option to specifiy time of day and day of week as option for selection of response requirement vehicle type in event recommendation
EME Version
- Added tier operating procedure option so that different operating procedures for the same condition (response zone, type, etc) can be shown in multiple operating procedure windows at the same time.
- Added ability to assign dynamic header information to the printouts from the query window
EME Version
- Added option on the map to search for a specified coordinate (x/y, lat/long) and center the map at that location with the further option of moving the current event (if one is selected) to that location as well
- Added Vermont 911 support
- Added option to bold event info tabs to make flashing more pronounced.
- Added option to assign units to geomarkers - based on a request to help manage mutual aid coverage assignments
- Reordered event info tabs to place more commonly used items in front
EME Version
- Added option to selectively hide or display geomarker groups
- Updated system so that external components do not cause an update of user fields while user is typing
EME Version
- Added simplified site notes system
EM Mobile - Build 30
- Corrected retry connection issue in mobile
- Added convert speed display to KMs
EME Version
- Corrected problem with unit assignment statuses for interagency assignments when there was more than one choice for unit assignment statuses
- Corrected issue with display of long character strings in the RMS interface
- Added more support for assigning calls in towns that are covered by more than one agency in situations where the system determines response zone by street name rather than polygon.
- Added ability to selectively hide or display geodata management sections
- Added ability to selectively hide or display system configuration sections
- Added simplified street alias management system
- Updated system so that changes to the runsheet configuration settings no longer requires a restart of the runsheet interface. The changes are sent to and reloaded by the the runsheet interface automatically.
- Updated NH 911 interface to handle more wireless call types
- Corrected graphical center management remote close problem
- Corrected EM Mobile server close connection problem
EME Version
- Added ability to assign graphics to individual alarm zones
EM Mobile - Build 27
- Added event details popup box. Click here for details.
- Added option to hide unavailable status buttons
- Added option to flash speed indicator box when a new event note arrives that is part of the currently assigned call.
- Corrected event note display as they were sometimes being improperly cleared from the screen
EME Version
- Added ability to manage agency unit sorting from configuration management system
EM Mobile - Build 26
- Added option to flash event status field when a new event is added by dispatch
EME Version
- Added IP-based E911 interface capability.
- Corrected compact text runsheet issue reported by Yarmouth FD
- Added option to print additional maps files at different zoom levels for each html runsheet
EME Version
- A function was added to allow clients to clear old events from the system.
- Added ability to control email runsheet text fields and added response zone as a field option.
EME Version
- An option was added to allow operators to change the name of a unit during live operation. This change will be immediately reflected on all workstations and EM Mobile units.
- Added support of TAIP over UDP GPS tracking. Now clients with GPS modems that can broadcast TAIP over UDP can see the position of their units reflected in real time in the EME and EM Mobile systems. This is an extra option for those who want just GPS tracking without the full EM Mobile option or in conjunction with it in other units.
EME Version
- Minimum vehicle manning was added as a response requirement option. Now minimum manning can also be specified along with the other options as a determining parameter in dispatch vehicle selection.
- An option to specify an RMS Interface header with padding was added. This allows clients greater control over the display of RMS interface information
EME Version
- Added new unit message and 911 sound options. Operators now have the option to recieve an audible alert when a new 911 call or message from an EM Mobile unit arives.
EME Version
- An option was added have the non-event time tabs flash to the operator upon the availability of new information
- An automatic message reply button was added to the EM Mobile message box on the CAD screen. This will save operators a step when replying to an incoming EM Mobile message.